Monday, February 20, 2012

Work is a friend

Apparently today I got a hell of work to clear up my back logs fom way back when. My department is undergoing restructure, just after a year of 'new structure'. Weird. New people come in, new way of thinking. I don't even know what's right anymore.

Anyway, since that my mind is quite preoccupied with work all day long, I would like to share with you my dear readers, a short poem written by none others, the esteemed, Mr. John D. Rockerfeller...-enjoy-

"....I was early taught to work as well as play,
My life has been one long, happy holiday;
Full of work and full of play-
I dropped the worry on the way-
And God was good to me everyday."

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Saban hari aku merenung diri dan sekeliling. Persekitaranku tak banyak berubah, tak seiring dengan beralihnya waktu. Ruangku beku, kaku, membatu. Aku tersekat di tempat ku berdiri. Masa depan dan masa lalu terhenti seketika disaat ini, mengkirakan kemana arah tujuan seterusnya.

Aku bosan sebenarnya. Bosan dan malas. Adakah itu sesuatu yang buruk. Aku tak ingin lagi cuba merubah diriku menjadi rajin, mengikut pandangan majoriti. Perubahannya tak akan kekal. Ahh! Bosan. Bosan. Bosan. Jalan hidup yang mendatar membuatku mengantuk. Kukira ku boleh tidur dari Jumaat ke Ahad.

Aku bukanlah seorang adventur tapi entah kenapa aku rasa resah. Ada sesuatu yang meragut passion ku. Terasa berat kaki ini untuk melangkah seolah diikat bebola besi. Kedengaran seperti omongan kosong. Biarlah, aku juga perlukan ruang ekspresi.

Sistem meragut impianku. Fikiranku dibatasi normaliti. Kehendak duniawai mengatasi keperluan rohani. Free choice is an illusion. More and more we are succumbing to the system. Semakin hari kita semakin sama. Pilihanku dibentuk kehendak sekeliling. Tindakanku diatur keadaan semasa. Fikiranku mengikut media massa. Aku...hanyalah interpretasi kepada normaliti ruang dan masa sekarang.

Aku yang hakiki hanya wujud didalam mimpi. Mungkin sebab itu aku suka tidur.

Monday, February 13, 2012


i drove with the window down
feels the wind brushing on my face
my hand holding a cig'
i just don't give a damn

it's just the feeling u love the most
when you are traveling from A to B
anything in between just don't matter
a moment cut out from your life

you had a chat inside your mind
seeing your life from outside the line
your dreams stretched with the road in front
that takes you where ever you want

it comes to an abrupt end
when u finally reach your destination
later, my friend
as u turn the key and stop the ignition.