I've just checking some of the political blogs that i frequented; chedet, rockybru, helen ang, jebat must die, outsyed the box...to name a few. they're somehow more leaned to BN. lot of issues i read...the best part is checking on the comments posted by their dear readers.
for chedet, which is Tun Dr. Mahathir's blog, you can see that we Malaysians are so full of intellectual (pun intended). haha. quite a heaty discussion there among the regulars...and i can't help but to feel that they somehow want to show how knowledgeable they are with the facts, figures, suggestions, debate etc...i wonder if Tun ever read the comments. anyway Tun's pieces is thought provoking and simple enough to deliver his message.
another highlight is at helen ang's blog. i quite enjoyed reading her material considering the simple writing style and interesting takes on issues highlighted. recently she seems to be bashing DAP quite frequently...giving me some food for thoughts. and on his comments, it's interesting that whenever she wrote something quite unfavorable about DAP, some nasty and abusive comments surely will come out.
i don't know if this is how they run politics nowadays. not that i'm old, but i always believe the adage that how you act; the way you talk, your words, your writing etc shows what you're inside. and seeing the comments...make me sick to think that this is our voters. harsh words, abusive remarks are aplenty. more interesting comments are in Malaysia Kini...gone are the days of sopan santun and wisdom in words. foul words instead are in abundance.
some comments are far from being constructive. some are downward humiliating. i don't know what kind of sick people who wrote those stuff. i don't even have a heart to read...and these are our fellow Malaysian. at least if you want to take a man down and put your idolised leader up, might as well do it in style.